Mr Anand Grover
UN Special Rapporteur on the right to health
3rd February 2014
Dear Mr Grover
Colombia is currently the only country in the world that employs aerial spraying
of potent chemical mixtures as a component of drug supply reduction measures.
Elsewhere, the tactic has been rejected. This has been happening for over three
decades with support from the government of the United States and with no effect
on the production of illicit crops.[1]
The practice involves spray planes, often accompanied by military helicopters,
spraying largely unknown chemical compounds onto fields, villages and food crops
as well as those deemed illicit, such as coca and opium poppy. This is known to
affect peasant farmers’ and indigenous peoples’ health and food security. It has
contributed to massive internal displacement. It is hugely damaging to the
second most bio-diverse region in the world.
Multiple UN human rights mechanisms have already raised concerns about this
practice, including the former UN Special Rapporteur on the right to health
during his mission to neighboring Ecuador in 2007. The Special Rapporteur found
reliable evidence that the aerial spraying of glyphosate along the
Colombia-Ecuador border damages the physical health of people living in Ecuador.
There is also credible, reliable evidence that the aerial spraying damages their
mental health. Military helicopters sometimes accompany the aerial spraying and
the entire experience can be terrifying, especially for children.[2]
As you are no doubt aware, Ecuador later sued Colombia at the International
Court of Justice over this issue and received a $15 million out of court
The negative impacts in Colombia, where spraying is widespread and consistent,
are considerably more serious. The Colombian and US governments claim that the
chemicals used cause insignificant harm but the experiences of indigenous
peoples, peasants and internally displaced people prove otherwise.
In September and October 2013 two US pilots engaged in spraying of coca were
shot down. A halt on spraying was put in place until such time as the cockpits
of spray planes could be reinforced.
Colombian citizens have recently been informed through the press that aerial
spraying campaigns in Colombia will be resumed starting February 15th 2014.[3]
Ceasing aerial fumigation is
one of the most persistent, unanimous and heartfelt demands made by peasants,
indigenous peoples and social organizations in the Peace Forums. It is also one
of the ten FARC prerequisites for peace.
We are requesting the intervention of the UN Special Rapporteur on the right to
health alongside other relevant thematic Special Procedures to call for a
permanent hold on aerial spraying.
We request also that an open, transparent and consultative health, human rights
and environmental impact assessment be carried out as a matter of truth,
justice, and non-recurrence.
The first fumigations in Colombia were carried out with the aim of chemically
eradicating 19,000 hectares of marihuana in a UNESCO Biosphere Reserve
[designated 1979].[4]
At that time coca production was not seen as a threat. Today it is the focus of
attention and spraying has increased in frequency and geographical coverage and
has been significantly stepped up as a component of the US-funded Plan Colombia.
There are no truly precise figures
regarding the scope of aerial spraying campaigns between 1978 and 1995. The
informs that solely in the last sixteen years, between 1995 and 2011, over
1,652,840 hectares were sprayed by the government.[5].
Colombia and the U.S. have experimented with highly dangerous chemicals[6]
but according to the scarce public-official information that is available, the
chemical used since 1984 is Glyphosate (Monsanto’s ‘Roundup Ready Ultra’)
and the toxic surfactant POEA compounded by the coadjutants Cosmo-Flux
411F and CosmoInD.[7]
coadjutants are used to render the corrosive effect of Roundup four times more
potent thus making the “collateral” effects practically unforeseeable.
There persists a reasonable doubt as to what we are being fumigated with.
No one really seems to know the mixtures, formulas, concentration, and volumes
of the chemicals sprayed. In
the (2008-2013) legal proceedings instituted by Ecuador against Colombia in the
International Court of Justice, Colombia refused to reveal the exact components
of the mixture used.[8]
According to studies carried out in 2001 by the agronomist, biologist and
chemical expert Elsa Nivia, the glyphosate concentration in the formula being
used in Colombia is 26 times more potent than that allowed and used anywhere
Colombians have been instituting legal proceedings against the National Police
and Antinarcotics Agencies since 1986 without success.[10]
A complaints mechanism exists,
when local communities complain of the health and environmental damages
the entity that receives and decides on the complaints (only receivable since
2001) is the same entity that carries out the fumigation.[12]
Aerial spraying and the right to health
There is literature to suggest that glyphosate used for agricultural purposes
can cause chronic health effects and birth defects when administered at high
doses over prolonged periods.[13]
In Colombia, the same field may be sprayed up to four or more times and
millions of hectares have been sprayed for over three decades. In addition, the
health concerns stem not from glyphosate alone but the other chemical
surfactants with which it is combined.
Health damages were documented by Ecuador in the 2008-2013 ICJ proceedings.[14]
As noted above, your predecessor found “reliable and credible evidence” of both
physical and mental health harms during his mission to Ecuador in 2007.
Colombian peasants and indigenous peoples consistently complain
of abortions and birth defects in both humans and animals after fumigation
operations, and also of skin rashes, respiratory problems, diarrhea, decreased
weight gain in infants, nasal discharge and digestive disorders, among other
health problems.
Two genotoxic risk evaluations (1999-2005 and 2006-2007) at the request of local
authorities and social organizations. But the visiting health assessment
commission did not see the patients themselves. It stated that “...
establishing a true cause for the
conditions reported would require technical expertise the commission did not
possess, as well as access to data on the dates and locations of spraying and
the products used”.[16]
The US government’s private Dyncorp aerial spraying contractors,[17]
certify that fields are not sprayed when people are present. Pictures taken
during fumigation operations, and the experienced health effects, show this to
be false. In any case, the persistent spraying of land, food crops and potential
leeching into ground water alongside pollution of collected drinking water raise
further health concerns beyond direct contact.
Mental health concerns, particularly in children, have also been raised given
the fear generated by the chemicals and the military helicopters accompanying
Environmental damage, food insecurity and water contamination
Alongside the health harms there are consistent complaints form rural and
indigenous communities of
water pollution, cattle poisoning and the loss of food crops.
When Colombia was first threatened by fumigation in 1978, the Inderena (the
Natural Resources Institute) warned the Colombian government of its obligation
to carry out prior ecological studies.[18]
This was not done. Indeed,
a 2013 State Council ruling revealed that the Colombian State was spraying with
Gramaxone (Paraquat) in 1997
[19] even though this had been banned since
[20] Bar this ruling,
to date activists and campaigners have been unsuccessful in requests that the
government reveal what it is spraying in addition to when and where this will
take place.
Spraying has been indiscriminate and widespread and has been proven to have
killed non-targeted vegetation. This was shown in the 2013 State Council ruling
which accepted the damage to forest lands and staple food crops.[21]
Photographic evidence further illustrates the damage.
The effects on endangered species, fish and aquatic invertebrates, which are
highly sensitive to glyphosate and its formulations, have not been transparently
Scientists warn the use of any agrochemical will make farmers more dependent on
this particular agrotoxin.[22]
In soils saturated with this particular pesticide, there will most probably be a
need to cultivate crops resistant to this product. Glyphosate resistant
genetically modified organisms are now common. Studies also indicate the risk of
transgene flow to other plants, thus endangering Colombia’s biodiversity.[23]
Two environmental impact studies supporting aerial spraying were carried out in
2005 and 2009[24]
(27 and 31 years after the first sprayings). These, however, were done by the
Inter-American Drug Abuse Commission (CICAD, Spanish acronym) whose main
interest is countering drug use and the drug trade. The CICAD researcher stated
that the exposure, is “considerably below thresholds of concern”[25]
and added in 2009 that “Glyphosate
spraying for coca control in Colombia poses negligible risk to humans and the
[26] This far from
consistent with what Colombians live and suffer on a daily basis. The veracity
and independence of these assessments has therefore been called into question
and demands open and transparent impact assessments to be conducted.
Impact on indigenous communities, peasant farmers and human displacement
The peasants that cultivate these illicit crops do so out of need. Most live in
poverty with little infrastructure to support alternative crops. According to
the UNODC, the average size of coca fields in 2011 is 0.67 has. The average net
income per hectare of coca for a grower is equivalent to US$294 per month.[27]
And yet these growers are persecuted as part of the drug traffic. A peasant
family of 4 lives on less than USD $200/month which is less than the legal
minimum wage in Colombia and, although they are increasingly testifying to the
repercussions of agrochemicals on the quality of their living standards, they
have, as of yet, not been informed of the potential hazards of chemical use in
their children’s’ and their own future. Peasant proposals point to the
reasonableness of investing the money wasted on aerial spraying in comprehensive
rural development.
Aerial spraying has contributed to the enforced internal displacement in
Colombia (there are over 3 million displaced in the
country), though a reliable estimate of how many have been displaced by
fumigation is very difficult to obtain.[28]
Left with nothing to grow and fearing drug related violence many people flee
their lands, which are bought up by large landowners or occupied by illegal
armed actors.[29]
Indigenous communities have also been forced to move. In the town of San Jose in
Guaviare, for example, it is thought that half of the town (the capital of the
region) are displaced. Many are from the Nukak tribe, living in extreme poverty
in a reservation by the local military base.
International standards
Multiple international legal standards are being violated by the aerial
fumigation in Colombia. These include,
inter alia:
International drug control legislation
Colombia is a party to the 1988 Convention Against Illicit Traffic in Narcotic
Drugs and Psychotropic Substances. Article 14(2) on eradication of illicit crops
explicitly requires that such measures should ensure conformity with human
rights and ensure protection of the environment. Indeed, a
Constitutional Court Ruling (No. C-176/94) noted that:
“...the Colombian State should reserve itself the right to assess the ecological
impact of drug control policies since persecuting the narcotics traffic cannot
be translated into a disregard of the Colombian State’s obligation to protect
the environment, not only for present generations but for future generations as
Biological Diversity
The Convention on Biological Diversity, to which Colombia is also a party,
requires a range of precautionary measures including impact assessments on
activities that may affect biological diversity. Colombia has fallen are short
of these requirements.[31]
International Covenant on Economic Social and Cultural Rights
Colombia was reviewed by the UN Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural
Rights in 2010. The Committee was clear in its concerns about aerial fumigation
and its impacts on the right to health (article 12) and the right to an adequate
standard of living (article 11):
The Committee also notes with concern the resulting drug violence; large-scale
internal displacement; widespread corruption; negative consequences of
anti-narcotics measures such as the effect of aerial fumigation on food
security, adverse health impacts and denial of livelihoods; and that profit from
this illicit economy finances all sides of the armed internal conflict in the
State party (arts. 11, 12).
The Committee called for
accountability and transparency in these efforts.
Convention on the Rights of the
In 2006 Colombia was reviewed by
the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child. Echoing the above concerns it
called for an impact assessment of aerial spraying.
“The Committee, while acknowledging the State party’s legitimate priority to
combat narcotics, is concerned about environmental health problems arising from
the usage of the substance glyphosate in aerial fumigation campaigns against
coca plantations (which form part of Plan Colombia), as these affect the health
of vulnerable groups, including children.
Committee recommends that the State party carry out independent, rights-based
environmental and social-impact assessments of the sprayings in different
regions of the country and ensure that, when affected, prior consultation is
carried out with indigenous communities and that all precautions be taken to
avoid harmful impact of the health of children”
As previously noted, the previous Special Rapporteur on the right to health has
raised similar concerns.
ILO Convention 169
Colombia ratified the ILO Indigenous and Tribal Peoples Convention (ILO
Convention 169) in 1991. It has failed to live up to the requirements of
consultation within that treaty. Indeed, as noted by the current Special
Rapporteur, it is now a generally accepted rule in international law that
indigenous peoples must be consulted on issues that affect them.[32]
The UN Special Rapporteur on the rights of indigenous peoples raised concerns
about aerial fumigation without free, prior and informed consent as far back as
There are, of course, a range of other thematic concerns engaged given the
breadth of harms noted above such as the right to food, the right to to water
and the rights of people living in extreme poverty.
In your thematic report on drugs policies to the UN General Assembly in 2010 you
have previously raised concerns about “extremely
harmful eradication methods used to limit production”.[34]
Our urgent apeal relates to the most egregious example anywhere in the world.
We trust that you will accept the urgency and seriousness of the situation, and
we seek your assistance in bringing this to the attention of related Special
Yours sincerely,
UNODC -Colombia Coca Cultivation Surveys
For example:
Paraquat (a pulmonary toxin whose aerial use is currently banned
world-wide) 2,4-D tebuthiuron,
hexazinone, tetrabromofluorescein (Eosine Yellowish) and
Imazapyr (which poses high risks to rare and endangered plants).
The all of these rulings
are documented on:
Compendium of 8,000 local complaints
April 1998 to September 2003 in Putumayo, Guaviare and Caquetá
“The National Drugs Directorate (DNE) and the Anti-narcotics Department
of the National Police are the authorities in charge of receiving and
processing the claims lodged”
[Res. 017 2001]
It is worth noting that the UN Working Group on the use of mercenaries
raised cocnerns about such private contractors in aerial fumigation
Article 14 ‘Impact assessment and minimizing adverse impacts’
UN Doc No A/65/255 para 75
Based on the harms caused by aerial spraying these include:
The Special Rapporteur on the rights of indigenous peoples
The Special Rapporteur on the right to food
The Independent Expert on human rights and the environment
The Special Rapporteur on extreme poverty and human rights
The Special Rapporteur on the rights of internally displaces people
The Special Rapporteur on truth, justice, reparations and guarantees of
The Working Group on human rights and transnational corporations.