Luis Suárez Salazar




This conference proposes an up-to-date critical focus on the undeniable relationship that exists between the geopolitical and geo-economic approaches that have characterized the great imperial security strategy designed by dominant U.S. circles and the so-called "war on drugs", on "narcoguerilla", on terrorism or narcoterrorism, which is currently being deployed in some underdeveloped nations of the world and, in particular, in some of the states pertainig to what is called the Western Hemisphere.


Within this context, I will highlight the growing significance acquired by all of the issues tied to the struggle against the misnamed "international narcotics traffic" under the systematic efforts deployed by powerful US circles as of the last decade of the 20th century up to now in order to build, under its domination, what I have pointed to for several years as a "New Pan-American Order" functional to US hegemonic aspirations and of domination over the world system as of the post-Cold War. Namely, on the basis of the illegal "New World Order" announced by the then president of the United States, George H Bush (father), at the beginning of the 1990s.


To fulfill my purpose, I will divide my conference into three articulated parts. In the first, I will present a rapid update of the main tendencies that characterize the worldwide consumption, traffic and production of illegal drugs (be they of a vegetable nature, synthetic or semi synthetic.) Likewise, I will try to show the relatively secondary place occupied by the 33 independent -or formally independent- Latin American and Caribbean nations (as well as the colonial territories which subsist in this region) in the production and traffic of the main illegal drugs that are currently consumed: marijuana, cocaine, morphine, heroine, as well as a wide variety of synthetic drugs derived from amphetamines (EA) and "Extasis" (MDMA o "love drug") invented by Western European laboratories during the 1980s.  Place which is not unlike that which they ocupy in transnational connected crime (such as money-laundering and trafficking in precursors and weapons) which have deeloped and will inevitably continue to do so under what has been termed "neoliberal globalization."


In contrast to this finding, in the second part, I will show how -on the basis of its redefinition of the "new enemies of InterAmerican security" (to be understood as U.S. imperial security) which came as of the post-Cold War- the past three U.S. administrations (successively headed by George H. Bush, William Clinton and George W. Bush) have turned  made some of the nations in the Western Hemisphere (Mexico, Colombia and other Andean-Amazon nations, as well as those of the Caribbean Basin) into the main scenario for "the war on drugs and other connected crimes". This war which, as of the second half of the 1980s, was  proclaimed unilaterally by the reactionary Ronald Reagan Republican Administration and (see us in 1981 to 1989).  I will, furthemore, address the issue of how the "war on drugs" has served as a facade to promote other US foreign policy and security objectives.


As of these observations and some references to the entramaje network of agreements and pacts of all sorts which, as of the first Summit of the Americas (December 1994) up to now, have been signed by the 34 governments of the Hemisphere which (with the exception of Cuba) make up the InterAmerican system and, likewise, on the basis of a critical analysis of a series of regional and national cases (the Caribbean Basin, Mexico, Colombia and other Andean-Amazon countries), I will also approach the close ties which exist between the struggle against "narcotics trafficking" and the more general objectives encompassed by the U.S. strategy against those nations located south of the Río Grande and below the Florida Peninsula.  In particular, with those actions geared at guaranteeing its domination over all those nations and territories bordering the Mexican Gulf and the Caribbean Sea; zone, which, for the past two centuries, has been considered by the dominant classes in United States as "the Southern frontier" of its misnamed "national security."


I will complement all of these approaches in the third part of my conference.  As of my ongoing reflections regarding the international and hemispheric implications of what is termed "the war against global terrorism" deployed by the White House immediately after 9/11 .  In this part I will present some considerations regarding the perverse relationship estalished by some of the more reactionary sectors of US foreign policy and security establishment between problems tied to consumption, production and marketing of illegal drug is, money-laundering and political military struggles with national popular content, and governments which promotes alternative actions to "neoliberal globalization" then to what has been termed "preventive military intervention" against "terrorism networks with global reach" as well as it against this does the so-called and "flannel states for "rock states defined as the main enemies to US national national security for the 21st century up.


Accordingly, my exposition will end with a series of recommendations regarding the technical-practical alternative concepts which, with regards to consumption, production and the drug trade, as well as with regards to anti-drug policies and the misnamed "narcotics traffic", should motivate all of those social and political forces interested in building a better and more just world and continent than that being built by the dominant classes in most parts and nations of the plane. To counteract those forces, particularly, those "neofascist", neoconservative and neo right-wing members of some of the triadic financial and technotronic oligarchy which today controls the design of US and other Western "powers'" foreign and domestic policy, namely, the United Kingdom, Spain and Italy.


Translated from Spanish by MM Moreno,

Mama Coca


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