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Bibliografía temática Red de 'Cultivos de uso ilícito BÚSQUEDA |
The Latin American Drug Policy Reform Network was founded during the
Andean-Amazonian Forum (FAA) and the Regional Meeting of the Independent
Global Commission (CMI) which brought together more than 200 scholars,
peasants and activists representing organizations from five Latin
American and three European countries.
The objectives and guidelines of REFORMA are as follows:
To form a coalition for drug policy reform in Latin American, grounded
in an antiprohibitionist approach to legislative policies and a harm
reduction approach to public health policies.
To fight for the protection/preservation of the human rights of peasants,
indigenous people and drug users, as well as others subjects
criminalized by Prohibition, reducing harms produced by erroneous drug
policies that have drastically failed in Latin America.
► To contribute to the planning and execution of drug policies that are
more effective and tolerant in the region, aiming at UNGASS 2008.
► We are concerned with the advance of the War on Drugs in
Latin America that has transformed itself in a war against the ecosystem,
indigenous people, peasants, and drug users, as well as against anti-prohibitionist
intellectuals/thinkers, intensifying problems and harms.
We recognize that anti-prohibitionist
policies have also failed in their intent to control and reduce the
supply of and demand for drugs.
► We refute the arguments that demonize plants and psychoactive
substances, those lies or deliberate misconceptions whose only purpose
is to help legitimate warlike interventions and human rights disrespect,
while subverting the sovereignty of Latin American countries.
► We understand that drug policy reform in Latin American must
essentially include strategies to reduce the harms produced by erroneous
drug policies, particularly harms produced by those policies who
determine abstinence and repression as the only answer.
► We refute State policies not in accord with Latin American culture and
traditions, particularly those of native people.
► We demand the
ritual, traditional and medicinal uses of such substances as coca leaf
and marijuana be respected, contributing to the diffusion/spread of
scientific evidence related to the subject.
► We propose immediate decriminalization of drug possession and
cultivation for personal use, and the legalization of the therapeutic
use marijuana, in the whole region.
► We propose to promote the discussion on the alternatives for open and
controlled drug legalization in forums and meetings with international
experts and the establishment of working relationship with other anti-prohibitionist
organizations around the world.
► We consider it urgent that Harm Reduction agenda does not limit itself
to HIV/AIDS prevention but includes socio-political, institutional,
environmental and cultural harms associated with such phenomena as
judicial and police corruption, urban and institutional violence and
civil rights violation.
► We refute current United Nations Drug Conventions, alternative
development proposals and crop eradications in Latin American, as well
as violation of the sovereignty of the States who signed these
conventions, and we call for the defense of popular sovereignty over
their legal systems.
► We propose demilitarization of anti-drug agencies and task forces and
the redistribution of drug control resources from juridical-police area
to health and education fields.
► REFORMA as a network will include the intimate work of researching and
training, actions and advocacy related to drug legislation reform in the
region, bringing together Law, Social Sciences and Public Health
academics, activists, peasants and drug users.
REFORMA was founded by appointing an Executive Committee composed of
Colombian, Argentinean, Brazilian, Peruvian, Bolivian, Jamaican and
Uruguayan representatives. The members of this
Committee represent Latin American organizations who have solid
experience in the fields of drug policy and harm reduction.
Honorary President: Gustavo De Greiff
Executive Committee:
María Mercedes Moreno (Mama Coca, Colombia), Silvia Inchaurraga (ARDA,
Argentina), Luiz Paulo Guanabara (Psicotropicus, Brazil), Baldomero
Caceres (Peru), Agustin Lapetina (El Abrojo, Uruguay),
Paul Chang (National Organisation for the Reform of Marijuana Laws,
NORML, Jamaica).
Latin American Anti-prohibitionist Meeting
Buenos Aires, 2005
With the support of Tides Foundation and the collaboration of DRCNet the
“Developing Drug Policy Reform in Latin America”
will be developped by REFORMA during 2005 and the Latin American
Anti-prohibitionist Meeting will be host in Buenos Aires.
The meeting will be the preliminary step before
the 2006 Latin American Conference on Drug Policy Reform that would
bring continuity to anti-prohibitionist activitities and experiences in
the region as Out of the Shadows.